Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Shopping at "Mom's"

My Mother is bedridden. She is still at home, and I am her caregiver.

One of these days we will have to clean out this house and get rid of everything.

Even though my mother downsized from a much larger house 7 years ago, it's amazing how much "stuff" she kept.

So, we all kind of go "shopping" at Mom's.

In the beginning I felt bad about taking her things, but once she was bedridden and could no longer see the rest of the house, I don't worry about it so much.

Not only am I shopping, I am giving away things. Like a typewriter, which someone said they could use.

Get rid of it now, because it probably won't sell at the estate sale, and then you just have to haul it off to Goodwill.

I have learned how to "release" my stuff to other people, knowing it will give them enjoyment. There is no point in something sitting in a closet gathering dust, when someone can be using it.

So, in case any of my siblings are reading this, I took the saw horses to my "bungalow", along with a few shovels. If anyone else wants them, just let me know.


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